Elite Retinoscope

۰ تومان

Elite® Retinoscope
Makes refractions easier than ever by producing one of the brightest, sharpest and cleanest streaks available

Provides 2.8 X the brightness of our standard retinoscopes <
  Superior streak quality enables easier and quicker refractions—even in <

patients with small pupils
,The crossed linear polarising filter eliminates bothersome glare from <

trial lenses helping you to perform a more precise exam
The external focusing sleeve improves comfort and maneuverability <
The sealed optics keep the lenses cleaner for more effective exams <
Fits all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources <




Elite Streak Retinoscope (head only)18245
Elite Spot Retinoscope (head only)18300
Fixation Card Set for Retinoscopes (Qty. 4)18250


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